Te Huruhi Bay to Tiritiri Matangi (optional circumnavigation)

A day trip to Tiri Tiri Matangi for strong beginners upwards with Andy Harding leading. You have two options for this day. 1 - rockgardening a circumnavigation of the island (20 km approx), or; 2 - bush walking and appreciating the bird song as well as the lighthouse (10 km paddling).

Meet at Te Huruhi Bay inside Shakspear Park (near the campground) at 9 am for 9:30 on the water. Landfall and lunch will be at the main bay at Tiri with the wharf. Choose which of the two above trips you want to participate in. Meet up again at the Bay for the return to Te Huruhi Bay, Shakespear Park to be off the water 15:30-16:00.

This island is a DOC park so double check your boat for ants, skinks, mice, seeds and other nasties and ensure you bring a clean boat to the island.

Please click here to book

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